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Replace the teacher

Today, for the amount we said in earnest in unison we shouted

 "tomorrow (506) teacher that we actively, 

we need to talk tomorrow is another saying in uniform, 

and taught us the language classroom." "I know! After School" moment.

Walk the thought: "Is it another way, and really looking forward to 

the 506-level teacher education teaching methods will follow

the sheep is not the same as teaching a lesson to us, 

who is going to crush her ?? how long?

 Hey, I, the teacher does not see or

 maybe even not keen too much thought oh no! because they 

fear the kind of fierce we can win it, look at her classmates, 

certainly the face that does not look to the face of the Buddha monk.

 "I hope that now hoping to hit the mother of a classmate 

I taught us tomorrow..

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